Where do I to start? Hello! I am a 23 year old girl from the warm port of Veracruz, (Sugar Baby Veracruz) I am a Physiotherapy student, single, without children with the sea of opportunities in front of me and my intention is to enjoy life to the fullest, my life! I like the name Luna, although it's not my real name, let's leave it at that.
I can spend hours talking about me, but I prefer to get to the point, today I want to tell you about my experience with my Sugar Daddy.
It was at the Carnival of Veracruz, two years ago, my friends invited me, I refused to go because I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I definitely did not feel like dancing and celebrating (according to me) I was in grief.
Convinced by my friends, we arranged to meet at a point on the pier, what a surprise what a flat tire and chance can do when mixed at the right time; my friends did not arrive due to a mishap with the car, the flat tire!
They called me and almost immediately I set out to go home, all dressed up and... not very annoyed (ha-ha). When the unexpected happened, a gentleman, a true gentleman, in every sense of the word!
Very charismatic and very nice, approached me so adorably 'direct' that it did not bother me at all but quite the opposite, his attitude cheered my mind almost suddenly, he told me: sorry, I could not help but see that you were waiting for someone who apparently canceled you and the same happened to me, what do you say if we keep each other company for a while? We can make all that wait worth a while. I said: well, why not?
The beginning of one of my best adventures! And Juan Carlos, a 42-year-old man of Spanish nationality, (Sugar Daddy Veracruz), gave me the most beautiful and fantastic year of my life. That's where everything started.
We talked for hours, he told me that he had just arrived to the city, we laughed a lot and ended the night singing at a karaoke; When it was time to say goodbye, we had enjoyed each other so much that we had to repeat it, you know, we exchanged numbers and called it a night.
The next day he called me around 12 o'clock in the afternoon and we arranged to see each other, he was a petrochemical engineer, and he was alone for a short time at the port and what was supposed to be 6 months was extended out to 1 year.
Good, because it was all that time that we shared together, as he is a busy man, we saw each other every 4 or 7 days sometimes more time passed between each encounter.
I fell madly in love with him soon after, he was charming. I didn't know how this worked with the Sugar Daddies, moreover, it seemed to me as if it is was something that hardly takes part; but I came to find out that these types of relationships have always been around, it is not something new in society.
When I expressed my "love" to Juan Carlos he immediately put a brake on me, and I appreciate that he did, because although what I felt was real, our romance would be temporary and he perfectly knew it, I realized it afterwards but not at the moment.
I learned to enjoy his company and benefits, I can't deny that I loved him, and I still appreciate him because he was my first experience in this ambit and everything was magical from the moment we met. Evidently, he already had experience in this.
Overall, what I enjoyed the most were the trips, the places I visited, the unforgettable restaurants and the possibility of forgetting the outside world and feeling that I had the world at my fingertips with all the possibilities within my reach, that at his side EVERYTHING WAS POSSIBLE.
In each meeting he gifted me something. And I would like to tell you something odd, I never knew if he was married, with a girlfriend or single, I don't know if the opportunity to ask was not given or if he or I avoided the topic but there was no need to find out because he always made me feel special and although we knew it was something temporary it was a unique experience, at least I took full advantage of it.
I know of some girls who don't have intimacy with their Sugar Daddy, in my case I can tell you that I did and I don't mean to show off, but I learned a lot about sex with him, a mature man is definitely more experienced and with whom you can learn to be the greatest in bed.
He supported me economically with school while we were together and he gave me a weekly allowance, he encouraged me to learn more, to always prepare myself more, he became my most beautiful secret, I didn't tell anyone about us until after he left and as I am doing right now here in these lines, nothing I write comes close to the way I feel just remembering him.
I do not know if I will ever live something like that again, but I can assure you that I do not regret ANYTHING.
The moment of the farewell was difficult because one gets attached and it is not easy to say goodbye, but life is full of cycles that begin and end and Juan Carlos was just a cycle that came to an end, he always made it clear that it was temporary and we knew that moment would arrive and yes, it did.
We stayed in contact after that, but it was not long, our paths were different and in different countries so that came to a complete end, and although today it is dust of my most beautiful memories it still feels very vivid.
If you are about to start a relationship of this type or want to experience it, I can say the following: Enjoy it to the fullest! But keep in mind that it is temporary, for one reason or another it will be, but it will be worth it because you will learn a lot from someone older, if it makes you feel special stay until it's over, never ever do anything you don't want to do because these experiences of life are to put smiles on your face, not tears or sadness.
Sometimes falling in love is inevitable but the fact of accepting a match, when you know it’s going to end makes you mature. They are usually men with an economic solvency who come and go, they never park in one place for long, they want to have a good time without compromise and although it sounds frivolous, you can do the same, they will never make you absurd scenes of jealousy because they have a self-confidence that is captivating to a certain extent, they make you feel safe and believe me, it's great.
If you have the opportunity to have a Sugar Daddy, do it, I assure you that you will not regret it...