Hey what's up! I want to tell you my story, where to start? Ok, introducing myself would be a good start.
I am Katia, I am 20 years old, I still live with my mother, I am a university student, childless and single, or well, maybe almost single, you see, recently I met an incredibly special person who is stirring my mind and taking over my heart and emotions.
This happened four months ago, when I went to a casting for a modeling agency, it was a casting to recruit girls to carry out commercials and various publicity, and I had never worked in something similar, in fact, I had never worked, but I was encouraged to go because a friend convinced me to go with her.
We sent our photos to the email indicated by the agency and they called us and we went in for an interview, but I did not want to enter the dynamic because they asked me to pay for a photo session and so on.
It sounded like a scam to me, so I quickly got out of there, but the man who interviewed me, OMG so handsome! I remember I thought when I got home.
The next day a call came in from an unknown number, when I answered I could recognize the voice, but I didn't know his name, it turned out to be the handsome man from the day before, Frank! The reason for his call was to do a photo session, he told me that it was not necessary to pay, that he had really liked my charisma and my profile for advertising and even for modeling.
Since I met the measures required in this area, that I was a girl with a very fresh and young beauty, I was excited of course, because I had always thought that modeling is glamorous and feminine, immediately I got flashes of images of myself doing advertising and things like that ha-ha-ha, I think this has happened to you on another occasion with other situations, right?
So, he met me in the studio the next day, at 4 in the afternoon, he asked me to dress casually and without makeup, because they had a makeup artist there and he told me was necessary for the photo session.
It was 3pm the next day, it was a Friday I still remember, and I basically remember it because it is my favorite day of the week. I was feeling nervous, my friend went with me.
I did not mention anything to my mother because I didn’t want her to tell me that I could not go or something similar, the truth was I felt super excited, and in case I where selected for some publicity then I would tell her, but not before
I had long wanted to earn my own money, because there comes a point in the life of any girl in which her genetic coding of a woman activates the desire to buy clothes, sneakers, makeup, and unnecessary but indispensable things for vain women, (sarcasm ), well, I am one of those many who live and enjoy the feminine beauty that nature gave us at birth, so this was my moment.
Besides there also comes a time when you want to go out or buy things for pleasure and mother questions everything, and with my own money I would not have to give so many explanations, and in reality, that was my excuse to do it, of course, if I had the possibility of working on something that I was passionate about, such as beauty, then I was not going to waste it.
I arrived on time at the modeling agency studio where they had cited me, my surprise when I arrived was that there were not as many people as the day before, it seemed like a day where work had been suspended, in fact, I thought for a moment that they had played a joke on me, but why would they play a joke on me?
It made no sense, within a minute the handsome Frank arrived, waving so radiant and elegant, he opened the study door, and my friend and I entered, we sat on a sofa and he explained to me what the photo session would consist of, while we drank a delicious lemonade, it was a sunny Friday.
After 10 minutes of talking, the photographer arrived, apparently it was only my friend, the photographer, Frank, and I, but the makeup artist and other assistants arrived almost behind the photographer. Everything was ready to start with the flashes of the camera.
I found that taking selfies very often doesn't make you a pro on camera, no doubt. But Frank's words filled me with a lot of self-confidence, I felt beautiful, powerful, and important, we were all there for me, so I tried to use those thoughts to look spectacular in the photos.
The atmosphere felt very jovial, everyone was very smiley and friendly, who would’ve said, I had always thought that people in this environment were "bloodthirsty", despotic, and conceited, quite the opposite.
At the end of the session, I went to change my clothes and wash some of the makeup off my face so I wouldn’t arrive at the house like that, I did not see Frank and my friend when I got back, the others had continued to lift the set
I went out to the street and found them in his car. I thanked him very much for the opportunity, and he very kindly offered to take us home, and we accepted, at this point we had already ruled out that it was a “sex trafficking” industry (hahaha).
We could not avoid the chatter during the drive and that such Frank turned out to be genuinely nice, he looked like a 20-year-old boy in the body of a 40-year-old man, because of his youthful attitude. He frequented all the clubs in the city and all the places where young people meet on weekends to have a good time, he was incredibly involved in young life.
First, we went to drop my friend off at her house, and the idea was to drop me off next, but when we were alone in her car, he suddenly asked me, can I buy you lunch? And I quickly said yes. From the moment he had offered to drive us home, I thought it was a bit unprofessional, but we needed the ride.
And with his sudden invitation to lunch, I couldn't help but think that this guy was possibly a Casanova who takes advantage of his status to flirt with girls younger than him. But it didn't matter much to me because whether it was the case or not, I could take advantage of having a good time with someone nice.
So, I left those thoughts aside, I didn’t want to worry too much or store the emotion that were flowing through my body for all that adrenaline of having participated in a professional photoshoot and feeling like a star, even if it was only for a moment neither did I want to be like my mom, all worried and judging myself from the inside, Out with boring thoughts!
We arrived at a quite "nice" restaurant where apparently Frank was a frequent customer, they greeted him by name and treated him as if he were an especially important person, and that felt good, to be accompanied by a "celebrity". I'm with a celebrity and I don't know it?
I was asking myself and I got a little nervous, but I tried to enjoy the moment, the conversation and his company were very pleasant.
Looking at the menu everything seemed expensive and I had no idea what to order because the menu was in French, and I realized that I didn’t know anything about this and that I didn’t want to seem very ignorant so I told him I would go to the bathroom, that I trusted his good taste, to order for me and surprise me with something delicious.
He had already ordered when I got back to the table and we had a bottle of wine, I assume it was an expensive wine, it was delicious! Anyway, I can't deny that from the day of the interview I was captivated by his class, he has so much personality and he seemed like a very cultured man.
We talked a little before they brought our food, I don't know what the hell I ate, but everything was delicious, and I felt a bit ashamed because I didn't know how to use all the cutlery and forks on the table, suddenly I remembered the movie “pretty woman ”, hahaha yeah, I know,.
I couldn't help but laugh at myself but he was pretty nice to understand that I didn't know anything about “labels” and told me to eat with confidence and enjoy the food.
He made me feel beyond good, because he told me that if I entered the world of modeling, I had to learn all these rules of etiquette but that there would be time for that, that nobody is born knowing social rules, they are taught, and I would learn.
I really enjoyed the food and wine. When we finished, we went to his apartment that was near the restaurant, he invited me to come in and I accepted, and I liked that he was very respectful the whole time, he never insinuated anything, in fact, I thought it was very sexy that he respected me, that he did not suggest doing something more sexual.
When I saw his apartment I was impressed, and although I tried to dissemble my astonishment, he possibly realized it. It’s a minimalist apartment, a decoration that only a professional can achieve, a sanctuary for anyone obsessed with order and beauty.
I don't know what his intention was, but apparently, he was introducing me to his lifestyle, if that was the case, I was in awe at the time.
The stop to his apartment was quick, he just picked up something he needed and took me home, at the other end of the city. It was almost 9 at night, I thanked him for everything and for the opportunity to work in his agency, and I got out of his car, a luxurious and beautiful car by the way.
When I entered my house, I noticed that my mother was not there and after double checking I screamed with excitement and ran to my room and threw myself in my bed, I had been holding the emotion in for most of the afternoon, I was delighted with that day, everything had been so unreal.
Whether they called me to work or not didn’t matter because I had enjoyed that day so much that everything else seemed irrelevant. I had no idea what would happen next, I would start living my dream.
Two days passed and Frank called me, to hire me for an advertisement. I had to go to the studio at 3 in the afternoon, it was 10 a.m. and to my luck I didn’t have classes that day.
When I got off the phone I wondered if they didn’t have a secretary who handles these types of calls? I didn't want to feel of sum importance to think that Frank was calling just for me because he had another kind of interest in me.
I imagined that there were many other girls much better and more beautiful than me in his midst, why would he look at me specifically? Well luckily for me I was wrong. He did care about me, but why? I don’t know yet.
Well, when I got to the studio, I worked for the first time and it felt great. I knew that I would make money and what better way than doing something I enjoyed and effortlessly. I signed the contract with the agency, it was a fact, now I had to tell my mom everything. Frank came up to me again and asked me out to celebrate my first advertising contract.
I was incredibly happy and cheerful, I accepted immediately, as usual. And we went alone, again. This time I did dare to ask him why he asked me out, if it was like that with all the girls or only with me?
He told me that he had liked me in such way, that he’s always been very professional, but during the interview, he liked my way of being a lot and that even though I am a very pretty girl I still retain my naivety and I am a "decent girl ", that he is used to the girls in this environment being party freaks," bad girls ".
That he did not want to miss the opportunity to be with a calm, beautiful and at the same time intelligent girl. And there we took off the masks. We had basically already declared mutual attraction.
And that's how our thing began, the moments that I spent with him I jealously keep for myself, but I learned something important from all this: that happiness depends on myself, that if I don't dare to do new things it would deprive me of the beautiful experiences of life, for example my relationship with Frank is occasional, in the purest Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy style but we do not have a formal relationship, we see each other from time to time, we enjoy together and there are no ties.
I don’t know what the future beholds for each of us, but everything that has happened in these few months and what he has given me has been very gratifying for me, he opened the doors to a world that I had always dreamed of, full of compliments, travelling, economic stability and knowledge.