Confessions Of An Expert Sugar Daddy – sharing_sugar

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By: Valeria Sugar April 8, 2020

Confessions Of An Expert Sugar Daddy

I am a man with a peculiar mania, I consider myself an expert Sugar Daddy; Let's say that I love to collect moments, but not just any, my weakness is young women, of good bearing, but unpolished.

I have a rescuer complex, because it is irresistible for me to “adopt” a girl to get her by, let's say a charity push, and it's not that I charge the favor like a jerk, in this case they win, and so do I.

I am a recognized businessman in my city, before society I am a "decent" person, and I like to maintain that prestige, I am married and I have 3 beautiful children, my family is easily the prototype of the TV or catalog family, everything to perfection, but this doesn't stop me from being a scoundrel, which of course I don't regret.

In my 50 years I have learned that even to cheat or be unfaithful there must be certain rules to follow, everything in its place, everything in its own time. You cannot be the same with your wife as with the girls, for sure. Neither do I expose my adventures in public, what can I say, I love living in the moment, with each one of my women, those who have been part of my life.

I like to lead two lifestyles, it helps me to get out of the routine and boredom, you can find it comforting to have a source of mental escape when you reach the age of responsibility, where you find absolute relaxation and I have found this peace of mind in my adventures.

How I Became a Sugar Daddy

I took these ways at the age of 35, when one day out of the blue I met a courtesan in one of the work meetings, as you know, it is very common that, leaving a work day full of stress, men usually take the opportunity to visit a nightclub and vent any frustrating events of the day.

At that time, I was still a salaried employee like any other, of course I made good money, not as much as I do now, but I was good economically, I am an architect by profession and I worked for a construction company, and we met with colleagues that night.

Surrounded by beautiful girls thirsty for bills, we were all excited sharing a pleasant moment, enjoying the view and the services that these noble women offer, good and adult fun, what more could you ask for after the work hustle? Among the companions was Paloma, a beautiful petite with long, straight black hair, with physical perfection from head to toe, the dream of any man, with an angel face that melts anyone, I still remember her with appreciation.

I remember that the beautiful Paloma was very self-conscious in that place, and that in a great effort to hide her shyness, she greeted me. I had been watching her for a while, she had completely caught my attention, and we talked a bit, I bought her a few drinks, I was very generous. The little girl was dabbling in that night job, it was her first night, during our talk her reasons for doing what she was doing came out and her slight sadness was evident when she spoke.

As I Mentioned Before, I Have a Rescuer Complex and I Can't Bear to See a Lady in Trouble.

I gave her my business card, I let her know that whatever she needed she could count on me; she was a single mother and was 22 years old, although she seemed younger. She kept my card and luckily, I was privileged to hear from her again.

The next day I received a phone call in my office, and it was her, it was nice to hear from that little woman again, she told me that she would like to get to know me better and I of course agreed to see us elsewhere, I also wanted to know more about her.

It was the first time that "I would be unfaithful", because it was something tacit. It would happen sooner or later; I'm not going to deny that a feeling of remorse ran through me that made me think twice before taking the wrong step. But at the same time, I couldn't stop thinking about how good I had felt in the company of this girl. It had been a long time since I felt that way.

We met the day after that call, we met near that bar where we first met, and the view was much better, seeing her dressed in a decent and casual way, she was much more beautiful that way, in my opinion. We chatted more about our lives, and I don't know how or why, but I offered to support her on the condition that she quit that night job. And I must assume that she was looking for this because she accepted without hesitation. It is very possible that she looked for me for this reason and I took the bait, well good for both of us, I think we needed each other in two different aspects, she on the one hand needed the money to get ahead and I needed to feel good in the company of a woman other than my wife, I wanted to have an affair, I thought it was about time.

It is Always Important to Improve the Quality of Life of a Sugar Baby

I rented an apartment for her where she could live peacefully with her son, without the need to go out at night to earn a living, I used to stop and see her some days of the week and I really appreciated that she didn’t force me to coexist with her son, I don't want to sound like a jerk but I was only interested in being with her in my spare time so she left her little one with a babysitter to give me quality time, after all she was taking care of her investment.

I was never able to spend the night with her, or with any of my adventures. This is an example of the rules that I mentioned at the beginning, I always go home to sleep, because that's the way it should be, regardless of my little fling there is no reason to bother my wife or my children with the uncertainty of reality, so we are all happy.

Besides, I do not like to go beyond what is allowed, because I am aware that everything is always temporary. And that it is a mutual help, but temporary.

So, with beautiful Paloma I lasted one or two years, I am glad to have been an important piece of her chess game, she managed to complete her career at the university thanks to my support, and it is an invaluable satisfaction to be part of it. It's as if her achievement was my achievement too, and that's how I felt with all the Sugar Babies I've had, of course the term was not so popular back then.

I don't exactly remember how my relationship with Paloma ended, I remember her a lot because she was the first, but I really can't recall the end, and it's better this way, as I said before, I'm a collector of good times so I keep the best of us.

After My First Experience With a Sugary Baby Which Left a Pleasant Taste in My Mouth, I Spent Some Time "Well Behaved”

When another opportunity to start a new relationship with another young girl came up, I already had the experience of how to do it, and I took on the task of selecting the next girl with similar characteristics and goals as the first, I have always tried to support women in this way, I want them to have personal projects, realistic and profitable aspirations, otherwise I am not attracted to a long term relationship of several months or years, if they do not have this mentality but they are beautiful, I only want them for one night.

But Sharon could not be a one-night stand. She was a sweet 20-year-old in college, she had recently come to the city, she had no parents or anyone to support her, but nevertheless she strove to get ahead and with the beauty that characterized her, it was surprising for me to find her working in a family restaurant as a waitress.

I used to come to a restaurant near my job, I still worked for that construction company and when you are an animal of habit you notice the slightest change and Sharon was the novelty at that place, after being a faithful client for so long, it was quite easy to notice her presence. I was immediately struck when I saw her.

I managed to conquer her and I repeated the previous operation, apartment and visits some days of the week, to my surprise, although she did not need to continue working, she did not quit, she really had the need to be supported by someone and did not give up easily, I remember that she saved a lot of money and when she got her visa she left Mexico, she moved to Australia and there she continued her university online, it was a surprise for me, I did not expect it.

That girl did know how to take advantage of me, and I was incredibly pleased with her determination, we lost contact, but I was happy to have met her and above all to have helped her achieve her goals. She surely made of her life the important things that she longed for.

Again, the Achievements of My Sugar Babies Are My Pride

And I could tell you about each and every one of them, the story is almost always the same, almost all of them are young and beautiful girls who need a little push, but they are extraordinary women by themselves who would surely achieve it without me, but what’s the purpose of having a bad time if you have the option to be happy and have an incredibly great time in the company of someone who supports you.

It was 5 years ago that I realized what being a Sugar Daddy represents, and I decided to create a club with my acquaintances, we are a group of around 10 friends, all wealthy and old who share the same taste for this style of girls.

The intention of this club was born with the idea of ​​sharing our experiences and advice, relaxing, and having a good time, like a reading club, here we share our exploits, not for that do we disrespect the girls, but the need to belong is in human DNA, and you always need to feel part of something, in this case, we need to know that there is more as oneself, feel that you are part of a brotherhood.

I do not know if at some point I will put these ideas aside and return to monotony, and I wonder if when this happens it will be out of pleasure or necessity, I do not know, I am having a great time right now, and my last sugar Daddy Relationship was 6 months ago.

Some of the girls who have been part of my story call me from time to time and share their achievements with me, and believe me, it is always nice to hear those anecdotes. And knowing that you are appreciated by a person in the distance, that there is someone who thinks of you, without anyone knowing. Being a Sugar Daddy and a Sugar Baby Goes Beyond a Casual Relationship

The goal must always be clear, for both parties, there must be a compelling reason that makes it even more interesting. At least for me it has been comforting to handle it that way, and the relationship tastes richer when there are goals set from the beginning, their happiness is my happiness too and both parties always win.

Sugary Relationships are not something new, they have always existed, but now they have more acceptance, and it is because of the demand that there is. I don't know if it's the economic crisis, or modernity, but it is possible that this may not change. And how good for us hopeless romantics.

If you are curious, but you are not sure what you want, you can consult the Sharing Sugar blog, there you can find advice and experiences from other users.

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